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Install your New Dryer Correctly

December 28, 2021

You might be surprised at how many people who have a clothes dryer in their home aren’t aware that its lint trap and exhaust system must periodically cleared of buildup. Whether your dryer is run by electric or gas clothes dryer, you will have lint.
Lint builds up in the lint trap, dryer vent and ductwork, all of which reduces the dryer’s airflow and drying efficiency. Lint can cause humidity levels to rise around vents, resulting in mildew and mold developing in walls and insulation. But most importantly, lint is combustible! Lint causes fires!
In fact, a minimum average of 40,000 dryer-related fires are reported each year! For peace of mind and the safety of your family and your home, let The Lucky Duct help you not be a part of that terrifying statistic. William Ruifrok is the leading expert in the dryer-exhaust-system industry as well as Lint Busterz’s proud owner.

If you’re about to buy a new dryer and install it yourself, you must connect it properly to reduce fire hazards. (Then, of course, let Lint Busterz handle the maintenance of the exhaust system.)

  • Don’t vent the dryer inside your home or attic. The exhaust contains too much humid air, and can cause problems with mold and mildew. A ventless dryer should be used only if outside venting is not possible.
  • The dryer’s exhaust duct should not exceed 25 feet from the dryer location to the wall or roof termination. The maximum length of the duct should be reduced 2.5 feet for each 45-degree bend, and 5 feet for each 90-degree bend. The exhaust duct’s maximum length doesn’t include the transition duct.
  • Be sure to have a 220v grounded electrical outlet available for an electric dryer. If your dryer is powered by gas, always hire a professional to connect or install the gas lines.

The Lucky Duct is dedicated to providing its customers with the highest quality of skilled services. For more information on the company and its variety of dryer-cleaning packages